What is OpenPowerNet?

OpenPowerNet is a traction power supply and train performance simulation software developed by Institut für Bahntechnik GmbH, BO Dresden, and is certified according EN 50641:2020. OpenPowerNet does the traction Power Supply Calculation in module PSC as well as the Advanced Train Model simulation in module ATM. The operational simulation is done by OpenTrack in co-simulation with the electrical simulation. OpenPowerNet has a retroactive effect to OpenTrack.


OpenPowerNet is developed by Institut für Bahntechnik GmbH, BO Dresden as an in-house tool. Since July 2009 a commercial and since March 2010 a academic license is available. In case you are in need of a traction power supply simulation respective simulation tool please contact us. We provide OpenPowerNet licenses as well as the service to simulate and analyse traction power supply systems.

OpenPowerNet main functionality:

What's in version 1.14.1 ?

Graphical User Interface


Engine Editor

Engine Editor

Analysis Tool


Simulation Suite


Software Structure:


Network Model:



Substation Model:



Engine Model: Single Components


Engine Model: Mean Efficiency


Engine Model: Efficiency Table


Engine Energy Storage Charging Models:


Engine Energy Storage Discharging Models: